I've been awarded research grant: 748,000SGD, for research topic: Quantitative Tumour Angiogenesis Assessments using 3D
Radiographic/Histopathologic Imaging and Xenotransplantation for Cancer

Hi there :-) Welcome to my web site. I am HUANG, Chao-Hui (Ph.D.), a computer scientist in the field of biomedical engineering. I come from Taiwan, the Formosa. Currently I am living in Singapore. I like traveling, wind-surfing, sailing, traveling, rock claiming, sky-diving. Currently I am learning French. It is difficult, but there is a lot of fun also :-)
2014年3月29日 星期六
2012年2月18日 星期六
TV-L1 based Optical Flow using GPU
Mr. Chris Mcclanahan has implemented a TV-L1 based Optical Flow based on LibJacket (see here). However, is is not compatible the newer version of LibJacket...well...there is no more LibJacket. Now AccelerEyes announced ArrayFire, which has a huge gap to LibJacket. Thus, I managed modified his work as the following:
// Chris McClanahan - 2011
// Modified by Chao-Hui Huang 2012
// Adapted from: http://gpu4vision.icg.tugraz.at/index.php?content=downloads.php
// "An Improved Algorithm for TV-L1 Optical Flow"
// More info: http://mcclanahoochie.com/blog/portfolio/gpu-tv-l1-optical-flow-with-libjacket/
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <opencv/cv.h>
#include <opencv/cxcore.h>
#include <opencv/highgui.h>
#include <arrayfire.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
using namespace af;
// control
const float pfactor = 0.7; // scale each pyr level by this amount
const int max_plevels = 9; // number of pyramid levels
const int max_iters = 6; // u v w update loop
const float lambda = 40; // smoothness constraint
const int max_warps = 3; // warping u v warping
const int min_img_sz = 20; // min mxn img in pyramid
#define TIMING 0 // warmup, then average multiple runs
// functions
int grab_frame(Mat& img, char* filename);
void create_pyramids(array& im1, array& im2, array& pyr1, array& pyr2);
void process_pyramids(array& pyr1, array& pyr2, array& u, array& v);
void tv_l1_dual(array& u, array& v, array& p, array& w, array& I1, array& I2, int level);
void optical_flow_tvl1(Mat& img1, Mat& img2, Mat& u, Mat& v);
void display_flow(array& I2, array& u, array& v);
void MatToFloat(const Mat& thing, float* thing2);
void FloatToMat(float const* thing, Mat& thing2);
// misc
int plevels = max_plevels;
const int n_dual_vars = 6;
static int cam_init = 0;
static int pyr_init = 0;
VideoCapture capture;
int pyr_M[max_plevels + 1];
int pyr_N[max_plevels + 1];
array pyr1, pyr2;
// macros
#define MSG(msg,...) do { \
fprintf(stdout,__FILE__":%d(%s) " msg "\n", \
__LINE__, __FUNCTION__, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
fflush(stdout); \
} while (0)
#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
// ===== main =====
void optical_flow_tvl1(Mat& img1, Mat& img2, Mat& mu, Mat& mv) {
// extract cv image 1
Mat mi1(img1.rows, img1.cols, CV_8UC1);
cvtColor(img1.t(), mi1, CV_BGR2GRAY);
mi1.convertTo(mi1, CV_32FC1);
float* fi1 = (float*)mi1.data;
array I1 = array(img1.rows, img1.cols, fi1) / 255.0f;
// extract cv image 2
Mat mi2(img2.rows, img2.cols, CV_8UC1);
cvtColor(img2.t(), mi2, CV_BGR2GRAY);
mi2.convertTo(mi2, CV_32FC1);
float* fi2 = (float*)mi2.data;
array I2 = array(img2.rows, img2.cols, fi2) / 255.0f;
// runs
int nruns = 4;
// warmup
create_pyramids(I1, I2, pyr1, pyr2);
f32 ou, ov;
process_pyramids(pyr1, pyr2, ou, ov);
// timing
for (int i = 0; i < nruns; ++i) {
create_pyramids(I1, I2, pyr1, pyr2);
process_pyramids(pyr1, pyr2, ou, ov);
MSG("fps: %f", 1.0f / (timer::toc() / (float)nruns));
// timing
// pyramids
create_pyramids(I1, I2, pyr1, pyr2);
// flow
array ou, ov;
process_pyramids(pyr1, pyr2, ou, ov);
// timing
MSG("fps: %f", 1.0f / (timer::toc()));
// output
#if 1
// to opencv
FloatToMat((float*)ou.T().host(), mu);
FloatToMat((float*)ov.T().host(), mv);
// to libjacket
display_flow(I2, ou, ov);
void MatToFloat(const Mat& thing, float* thing2) {
int tmp = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < thing.rows; i++) {
const float* fptr = thing.ptr<float>(i);
for (int j = 0; j < thing.cols; j++)
{ thing2[tmp++] = fptr[j]; }
void FloatToMat(float const* thing, Mat& thing2) {
int tmp = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < thing2.rows; ++i) {
float* fptr = thing2.ptr<float>(i);
for (int j = 0; j < thing2.cols; ++j)
{ fptr[j] = thing[tmp++]; }
void display_flow(array& I2, array& u, array& v) {
#if 1
// show in libjacket
subfigure(2, 2, 1); imgplot(I2); title("input");
subfigure(2, 2, 2); imgplot(u); title("u");
subfigure(2, 2, 3); imgplot(v); title("v");
subfigure(2, 2, 4); imgplot((abs(v) + abs(u))); title("u+v");
// int M = I2.dims()[0];
// int N = I2.dims()[1];
// f32 idx, idy; meshgrid(idx, idy, f32(seq(0,N-1,3)), f32(seq(0,M-1,3)));
// quiver(idx,idy,u,v);
// show in opencv
int M = I2.dims()[0];
int N = I2.dims()[1];
Mat mu(M, N, CV_32FC1);
Mat mv(M, N, CV_32FC1);
FloatToMat(u.T().host(), mu);
FloatToMat(v.T().host(), mv);
imshow("u", mu);
imshow("v", mv);
void display_flow(const Mat& u, const Mat& v) {
#if 0
cv::Mat magnitude, angle, bgr;
cv::cartToPolar(u, v, magnitude, angle, true);
double mag_max, mag_min;
cv::minMaxLoc(magnitude, &mag_min, &mag_max);
magnitude.convertTo(magnitude, -1, 1.0 / mag_max);
cv::Mat _hsv[3], hsv_image;
_hsv[0] = angle;
_hsv[1] = Mat::ones(angle.size(), CV_32F);
_hsv[2] = magnitude;
cv::merge(_hsv, 3, hsv_image);
cv::Mat magnitude, angle, bgr;
Mat hsv_image(u.rows, u.cols, CV_8UC3);
for (int i = 0; i < u.rows; ++i) {
const float* x_ptr = u.ptr<float>(i);
const float* y_ptr = v.ptr<float>(i);
uchar* hsv_ptr = hsv_image.ptr<uchar>(i);
for (int j = 0; j < u.cols; ++j, hsv_ptr += 3, ++x_ptr, ++y_ptr) {
hsv_ptr[0] = (uchar)((atan2f(*y_ptr, *x_ptr) / M_PI + 1) * 90);
hsv_ptr[1] = hsv_ptr[2] = (uchar) std::min<float>(
sqrtf(*y_ptr * *y_ptr + *x_ptr * *x_ptr) * 20, 255.0);
cv::cvtColor(hsv_image, bgr, CV_HSV2BGR);
cv::imshow("optical flow", bgr);
int grab_frame(Mat& img, char* filename) {
// camera/image setup
if (!cam_init) {
if (filename != NULL) {
} else {
float rescale = 0.615;
int w = 640 * rescale;
int h = 480 * rescale;
capture.open(0); //try to open
capture.set(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, w); capture.set(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, h);
if (!capture.isOpened()) { cerr << "open video device fail\n" << endl; return 0; }
capture >> img; capture >> img;
if (img.empty()) { cout << "load image fail " << endl; return 0; }
namedWindow("cam", CV_WINDOW_KEEPRATIO);
printf(" img = %d x %d \n", img.cols, img.rows);
cam_init = 1;
// get frames
imshow("cam", img);
if (waitKey(10) >= 0) { return 0; }
else { return 1; }
void gen_pyramid_sizes(array& im1) {
dim4 mnk = im1.dims();
float sM = mnk[0];
float sN = mnk[1];
// store resizing
for (int level = 0; level <= plevels; ++level) {
if (level == 0) {
} else {
sM *= pfactor;
sN *= pfactor;
pyr_M[level] = (int)(sM + 0.5f);
pyr_N[level] = (int)(sN + 0.5f);
MSG(" pyr %d: %d x %d ", level, (int)sM, (int)sN);
if (sM < min_img_sz || sN < min_img_sz) { plevels = level; break; }
void create_pyramids(array& im1, array& im2, array& pyr1, array& pyr2) {
if (!pyr_init) {
// list of h,w
// init
pyr1 = zeros(pyr_M[0], pyr_N[0], plevels);
pyr2 = zeros(pyr_M[0], pyr_N[0], plevels);
pyr_init = 1;
// create
for (int level = 0; level < plevels; level++) {
if (level == 0) {
pyr1(span, span, level) = im1;
pyr2(span, span, level) = im2;
} else {
seq spyi = seq(pyr_M[level - 1]);
seq spxi = seq(pyr_N[level - 1]);
array small1 = resize(pyr1(spyi, spxi, level - 1), pyr_M[level], pyr_N[level], AF_RSZ_Bilinear);
array small2 = resize(pyr2(spyi, spxi, level - 1), pyr_M[level], pyr_N[level], AF_RSZ_Bilinear);
seq spyo = seq(pyr_M[level]);
seq spxo = seq(pyr_N[level]);
pyr1(spyo, spxo, level) = small1;
pyr2(spyo, spxo, level) = small2;
void process_pyramids(array& pyr1, array& pyr2, array& ou, array& ov) {
array p, u, v, w;
// pyramid loop
for (int level = plevels - 1; level >= 0; level--) {
if (level == plevels - 1) {
u = zeros(pyr_M[level], pyr_N[level]);
v = zeros(pyr_M[level], pyr_N[level]);
w = zeros(pyr_M[level], pyr_N[level]);
p = zeros(pyr_M[level], pyr_N[level], n_dual_vars);
} else {
float rescale_u = pyr_N[level + 1] / (float)pyr_N[level];
float rescale_v = pyr_M[level + 1] / (float)pyr_M[level];
// propagate
array u_ = resize(u, pyr_M[level], pyr_N[level], AF_RSZ_Bilinear) * rescale_u;
array v_ = resize(v, pyr_M[level], pyr_N[level], AF_RSZ_Bilinear) * rescale_v;
array w_ = resize(w, pyr_M[level], pyr_N[level], AF_RSZ_Bilinear);
array p_ = zeros(pyr_M[level], pyr_N[level], n_dual_vars);
gfor(array ndv, n_dual_vars) {
p_(span, span, ndv) = resize(p(span, span, ndv), pyr_M[level], pyr_N[level], AF_RSZ_Bilinear);
u = u_; v = v_; p = p_; w = w_;
// extract
seq spy = seq(pyr_M[level]);
seq spx = seq(pyr_N[level]);
array I1 = pyr1(spy, spx, level);
array I2 = pyr2(spy, spx, level);
// ===== core ====== //
tv_l1_dual(u, v, p, w, I1, I2, level);
// ===== ==== ====== //
// output
ou = u;
ov = v;
void warping(array& Ix, array& Iy, array& It, array& I1, array& I2, array& u, array& v) {
dim4 mnk = I2.dims();
int M = mnk[0];
int N = mnk[1];
array idx = tile(array(seq(N)).T(), M, 1) + 1;
array idy = tile(array(seq(M)), 1, N) + 1;
/* ^ BUG: idx idy should ideally be [0-N); ^ */
array idxx0 = idx + u;
array idyy0 = idy + v;
array idxx = max(1, min(N - 1, idxx0));
array idyy = max(1, min(M - 1, idyy0));
// interp2 based warp ()
It = interp(idy, idx, I2, idyy, idxx) - I1;
// interp2 based warp ()
array idxm = max(1, min(N - 1, idxx - 1.f));
array idxp = max(1, min(N - 1, idxx + 1.f));
array idym = max(1, min(M - 1, idyy - 1.f));
array idyp = max(1, min(M - 1, idyy + 1.f));
Ix = interp(idy, idx, I2, idy, idxp) - interp(idy, idx, I2, idy, idxm);
Iy = interp(idy, idx, I2, idyp, idx) - interp(idy, idx, I2, idym, idx);
/* ^ BUG: interp2 should be cubic; that may fix things; ^ */
void dxym(array& Id, array I0x, array I0y) {
// divergence
dim4 mnk = I0x.dims();
int M = mnk[0];
int N = mnk[1];
array x0 = zeros(M, N);
array x1 = zeros(M, N);
x0(seq(M - 1), seq(N)) = I0x(seq(M - 1), seq(N));
x1(seq(1,M-1), seq(N)) = I0x(seq(1,M-1), seq(N));
array y0 = zeros(M, N);
array y1 = zeros(M, N);
y0(seq(M), seq(N - 1)) = I0y(seq(M), seq(N - 1));
y1(seq(M), seq(1,N-1)) = I0y(seq(M), seq(1,N-1));
Id = (x0 - x1) + (y0 - y1);
void dxyp(array& Ix, array& Iy, array& I0) {
// shifts
dim4 mnk = I0.dims();
int M = mnk[0];
int N = mnk[1];
array y0 = I0;
array y1 = I0;
y0(seq(0, M - 2), span) = I0(seq(1, M - 1), span);
array x0 = I0;
array x1 = I0;
x0(span, seq(0, N - 2)) = I0(span, seq(1, N - 1));
Ix = (x0 - x1); Iy = (y0 - y1);
void tv_l1_dual(array& u, array& v, array& p, array& w, array& I1, array& I2, int level) {
try {
float L = sqrtf(8.0f);
float tau = 1 / L;
float sigma = 1 / L;
float eps_u = 0.01f;
float eps_w = 0.01f;
float gamma = 0.02f;
array u_ = u;
array v_ = v;
array w_ = w;
for (int j = 0; j < max_warps; j++) {
array u0 = u;
array v0 = v;
// warping
array Ix, Iy, It; warping(Ix, Iy, It, I1, I2, u0, v0);
// gradients
array I_grad_sqr = max(float(1e-6), array(pow(Ix, 2) + pow(Iy, 2) + gamma * gamma));
// inner loop
for (int k = 0; k < max_iters; ++k) {
// dual =====
// shifts
array u_x, u_y; dxyp(u_x, u_y, u_);
array v_x, v_y; dxyp(v_x, v_y, v_);
array w_x, w_y; dxyp(w_x, w_y, w_);
// update dual
p(span, span, 0) = (p(span, span, 0) + sigma * u_x) / (1 + sigma * eps_u);
p(span, span, 1) = (p(span, span, 1) + sigma * u_y) / (1 + sigma * eps_u);
p(span, span, 2) = (p(span, span, 2) + sigma * v_x) / (1 + sigma * eps_u);
p(span, span, 3) = (p(span, span, 3) + sigma * v_y) / (1 + sigma * eps_u);
p(span, span, 4) = (p(span, span, 4) + sigma * w_x) / (1 + sigma * eps_w);
p(span, span, 5) = (p(span, span, 5) + sigma * w_y) / (1 + sigma * eps_w);
// normalize
array reprojection = max(1, sqrt(pow(p(span, span, 0), 2) + pow(p(span, span, 1), 2) +
pow(p(span, span, 2), 2) + pow(p(span, span, 3), 2)));
p(span, span, 0) = p(span, span, 0) / reprojection;
p(span, span, 1) = p(span, span, 1) / reprojection;
p(span, span, 2) = p(span, span, 2) / reprojection;
p(span, span, 3) = p(span, span, 3) / reprojection;
reprojection = max(1, sqrt(pow(p(span, span, 4), 2) + pow(p(span, span, 5), 2)));
p(span, span, 4) = p(span, span, 4) / reprojection;
p(span, span, 5) = p(span, span, 5) / reprojection;
// primal =====
// divergence
array div_u; dxym(div_u, p(span, span, 0), p(span, span, 1));
array div_v; dxym(div_v, p(span, span, 2), p(span, span, 3));
array div_w; dxym(div_w, p(span, span, 4), p(span, span, 5));
// old
u_ = u;
v_ = v;
w_ = w;
// update
u = u + tau * div_u;
v = v + tau * div_v;
w = w + tau * div_w;
// indexing
array rho = It + mul((u - u0), Ix) + mul((v - v0), Iy) + gamma * w;
array idx1 = rho < -tau * lambda * I_grad_sqr;
array idx2 = rho > tau * lambda * I_grad_sqr;
array idx3 = abs(rho) <= tau * lambda * I_grad_sqr;
u = u + tau * lambda * (mul(Ix, idx1)) ;
v = v + tau * lambda * (mul(Iy, idx1)) ;
w = w + tau * lambda * gamma * idx1;
u = u - tau * lambda * (mul(Ix, idx2)) ;
v = v - tau * lambda * (mul(Iy, idx2)) ;
w = w - tau * lambda * gamma * idx2;
u = u - mul(rho, mul(idx3, Ix / I_grad_sqr));
v = v - mul(rho, mul(idx3, Iy / I_grad_sqr));
w = w - mul(rho, mul(idx3, gamma / I_grad_sqr));
// propagate
u_ = 2 * u - u_;
v_ = 2 * v - v_;
w_ = 2 * w - w_;
// output
// const unsigned hw[] = {3, 3};
u = medfilt(u, 3, 3);
v = medfilt(v, 3, 3);
} /* j < warps */
} catch (af::exception& e) {
cout << e.what() << endl;
// =======================================
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
// video file or usb camera
Mat cam_img, prev_img, disp_u, disp_v;
int is_images = 0;
if (argc == 2) { grab_frame(prev_img, argv[1]); } // video
else if (argc == 3) {
prev_img = imread(argv[1]); cam_img = imread(argv[2]);
is_images = 1;
} else { grab_frame(prev_img, NULL); } // usb camera
// results
int mm = prev_img.rows; int nn = prev_img.cols;
disp_u = Mat::zeros(mm, nn, CV_32FC1);
disp_v = Mat::zeros(mm, nn, CV_32FC1);
printf("img %d x %d \n", mm, nn);
// process main
if (is_images) {
// show
imshow("i", cam_img);
// process files
optical_flow_tvl1(prev_img, cam_img, disp_u, disp_v);
// show
// imshow("u", disp_u);
// imshow("v", disp_v);
display_flow(disp_u, disp_v);
// // write
// writeFlo(disp_u, disp_v);
} else {
// process loop
while (grab_frame(cam_img, NULL)) {
try {
// process
optical_flow_tvl1(prev_img, cam_img, disp_u, disp_v);
// frames
prev_img = cam_img.clone();
// show
// imshow("u", disp_u);
// imshow("v", disp_v);
display_flow(disp_u, disp_v);
} catch (af::exception& e) {
cout << e.what() << endl;
return 0;
// Chris McClanahan - 2011
// Modified by Chao-Hui Huang 2012
// Adapted from: http://gpu4vision.icg.tugraz.at/index.php?content=downloads.php
// "An Improved Algorithm for TV-L1 Optical Flow"
// More info: http://mcclanahoochie.com/blog/portfolio/gpu-tv-l1-optical-flow-with-libjacket/
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <opencv/cv.h>
#include <opencv/cxcore.h>
#include <opencv/highgui.h>
#include <arrayfire.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
using namespace af;
// control
const float pfactor = 0.7; // scale each pyr level by this amount
const int max_plevels = 9; // number of pyramid levels
const int max_iters = 6; // u v w update loop
const float lambda = 40; // smoothness constraint
const int max_warps = 3; // warping u v warping
const int min_img_sz = 20; // min mxn img in pyramid
#define TIMING 0 // warmup, then average multiple runs
// functions
int grab_frame(Mat& img, char* filename);
void create_pyramids(array& im1, array& im2, array& pyr1, array& pyr2);
void process_pyramids(array& pyr1, array& pyr2, array& u, array& v);
void tv_l1_dual(array& u, array& v, array& p, array& w, array& I1, array& I2, int level);
void optical_flow_tvl1(Mat& img1, Mat& img2, Mat& u, Mat& v);
void display_flow(array& I2, array& u, array& v);
void MatToFloat(const Mat& thing, float* thing2);
void FloatToMat(float const* thing, Mat& thing2);
// misc
int plevels = max_plevels;
const int n_dual_vars = 6;
static int cam_init = 0;
static int pyr_init = 0;
VideoCapture capture;
int pyr_M[max_plevels + 1];
int pyr_N[max_plevels + 1];
array pyr1, pyr2;
// macros
#define MSG(msg,...) do { \
fprintf(stdout,__FILE__":%d(%s) " msg "\n", \
__LINE__, __FUNCTION__, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
fflush(stdout); \
} while (0)
#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
// ===== main =====
void optical_flow_tvl1(Mat& img1, Mat& img2, Mat& mu, Mat& mv) {
// extract cv image 1
Mat mi1(img1.rows, img1.cols, CV_8UC1);
cvtColor(img1.t(), mi1, CV_BGR2GRAY);
mi1.convertTo(mi1, CV_32FC1);
float* fi1 = (float*)mi1.data;
array I1 = array(img1.rows, img1.cols, fi1) / 255.0f;
// extract cv image 2
Mat mi2(img2.rows, img2.cols, CV_8UC1);
cvtColor(img2.t(), mi2, CV_BGR2GRAY);
mi2.convertTo(mi2, CV_32FC1);
float* fi2 = (float*)mi2.data;
array I2 = array(img2.rows, img2.cols, fi2) / 255.0f;
// runs
int nruns = 4;
// warmup
create_pyramids(I1, I2, pyr1, pyr2);
f32 ou, ov;
process_pyramids(pyr1, pyr2, ou, ov);
// timing
for (int i = 0; i < nruns; ++i) {
create_pyramids(I1, I2, pyr1, pyr2);
process_pyramids(pyr1, pyr2, ou, ov);
MSG("fps: %f", 1.0f / (timer::toc() / (float)nruns));
// timing
// pyramids
create_pyramids(I1, I2, pyr1, pyr2);
// flow
array ou, ov;
process_pyramids(pyr1, pyr2, ou, ov);
// timing
MSG("fps: %f", 1.0f / (timer::toc()));
// output
#if 1
// to opencv
FloatToMat((float*)ou.T().host(), mu);
FloatToMat((float*)ov.T().host(), mv);
// to libjacket
display_flow(I2, ou, ov);
void MatToFloat(const Mat& thing, float* thing2) {
int tmp = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < thing.rows; i++) {
const float* fptr = thing.ptr<float>(i);
for (int j = 0; j < thing.cols; j++)
{ thing2[tmp++] = fptr[j]; }
void FloatToMat(float const* thing, Mat& thing2) {
int tmp = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < thing2.rows; ++i) {
float* fptr = thing2.ptr<float>(i);
for (int j = 0; j < thing2.cols; ++j)
{ fptr[j] = thing[tmp++]; }
void display_flow(array& I2, array& u, array& v) {
#if 1
// show in libjacket
subfigure(2, 2, 1); imgplot(I2); title("input");
subfigure(2, 2, 2); imgplot(u); title("u");
subfigure(2, 2, 3); imgplot(v); title("v");
subfigure(2, 2, 4); imgplot((abs(v) + abs(u))); title("u+v");
// int M = I2.dims()[0];
// int N = I2.dims()[1];
// f32 idx, idy; meshgrid(idx, idy, f32(seq(0,N-1,3)), f32(seq(0,M-1,3)));
// quiver(idx,idy,u,v);
// show in opencv
int M = I2.dims()[0];
int N = I2.dims()[1];
Mat mu(M, N, CV_32FC1);
Mat mv(M, N, CV_32FC1);
FloatToMat(u.T().host(), mu);
FloatToMat(v.T().host(), mv);
imshow("u", mu);
imshow("v", mv);
void display_flow(const Mat& u, const Mat& v) {
#if 0
cv::Mat magnitude, angle, bgr;
cv::cartToPolar(u, v, magnitude, angle, true);
double mag_max, mag_min;
cv::minMaxLoc(magnitude, &mag_min, &mag_max);
magnitude.convertTo(magnitude, -1, 1.0 / mag_max);
cv::Mat _hsv[3], hsv_image;
_hsv[0] = angle;
_hsv[1] = Mat::ones(angle.size(), CV_32F);
_hsv[2] = magnitude;
cv::merge(_hsv, 3, hsv_image);
cv::Mat magnitude, angle, bgr;
Mat hsv_image(u.rows, u.cols, CV_8UC3);
for (int i = 0; i < u.rows; ++i) {
const float* x_ptr = u.ptr<float>(i);
const float* y_ptr = v.ptr<float>(i);
uchar* hsv_ptr = hsv_image.ptr<uchar>(i);
for (int j = 0; j < u.cols; ++j, hsv_ptr += 3, ++x_ptr, ++y_ptr) {
hsv_ptr[0] = (uchar)((atan2f(*y_ptr, *x_ptr) / M_PI + 1) * 90);
hsv_ptr[1] = hsv_ptr[2] = (uchar) std::min<float>(
sqrtf(*y_ptr * *y_ptr + *x_ptr * *x_ptr) * 20, 255.0);
cv::cvtColor(hsv_image, bgr, CV_HSV2BGR);
cv::imshow("optical flow", bgr);
int grab_frame(Mat& img, char* filename) {
// camera/image setup
if (!cam_init) {
if (filename != NULL) {
} else {
float rescale = 0.615;
int w = 640 * rescale;
int h = 480 * rescale;
capture.open(0); //try to open
capture.set(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, w); capture.set(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, h);
if (!capture.isOpened()) { cerr << "open video device fail\n" << endl; return 0; }
capture >> img; capture >> img;
if (img.empty()) { cout << "load image fail " << endl; return 0; }
namedWindow("cam", CV_WINDOW_KEEPRATIO);
printf(" img = %d x %d \n", img.cols, img.rows);
cam_init = 1;
// get frames
imshow("cam", img);
if (waitKey(10) >= 0) { return 0; }
else { return 1; }
void gen_pyramid_sizes(array& im1) {
dim4 mnk = im1.dims();
float sM = mnk[0];
float sN = mnk[1];
// store resizing
for (int level = 0; level <= plevels; ++level) {
if (level == 0) {
} else {
sM *= pfactor;
sN *= pfactor;
pyr_M[level] = (int)(sM + 0.5f);
pyr_N[level] = (int)(sN + 0.5f);
MSG(" pyr %d: %d x %d ", level, (int)sM, (int)sN);
if (sM < min_img_sz || sN < min_img_sz) { plevels = level; break; }
void create_pyramids(array& im1, array& im2, array& pyr1, array& pyr2) {
if (!pyr_init) {
// list of h,w
// init
pyr1 = zeros(pyr_M[0], pyr_N[0], plevels);
pyr2 = zeros(pyr_M[0], pyr_N[0], plevels);
pyr_init = 1;
// create
for (int level = 0; level < plevels; level++) {
if (level == 0) {
pyr1(span, span, level) = im1;
pyr2(span, span, level) = im2;
} else {
seq spyi = seq(pyr_M[level - 1]);
seq spxi = seq(pyr_N[level - 1]);
array small1 = resize(pyr1(spyi, spxi, level - 1), pyr_M[level], pyr_N[level], AF_RSZ_Bilinear);
array small2 = resize(pyr2(spyi, spxi, level - 1), pyr_M[level], pyr_N[level], AF_RSZ_Bilinear);
seq spyo = seq(pyr_M[level]);
seq spxo = seq(pyr_N[level]);
pyr1(spyo, spxo, level) = small1;
pyr2(spyo, spxo, level) = small2;
void process_pyramids(array& pyr1, array& pyr2, array& ou, array& ov) {
array p, u, v, w;
// pyramid loop
for (int level = plevels - 1; level >= 0; level--) {
if (level == plevels - 1) {
u = zeros(pyr_M[level], pyr_N[level]);
v = zeros(pyr_M[level], pyr_N[level]);
w = zeros(pyr_M[level], pyr_N[level]);
p = zeros(pyr_M[level], pyr_N[level], n_dual_vars);
} else {
float rescale_u = pyr_N[level + 1] / (float)pyr_N[level];
float rescale_v = pyr_M[level + 1] / (float)pyr_M[level];
// propagate
array u_ = resize(u, pyr_M[level], pyr_N[level], AF_RSZ_Bilinear) * rescale_u;
array v_ = resize(v, pyr_M[level], pyr_N[level], AF_RSZ_Bilinear) * rescale_v;
array w_ = resize(w, pyr_M[level], pyr_N[level], AF_RSZ_Bilinear);
array p_ = zeros(pyr_M[level], pyr_N[level], n_dual_vars);
gfor(array ndv, n_dual_vars) {
p_(span, span, ndv) = resize(p(span, span, ndv), pyr_M[level], pyr_N[level], AF_RSZ_Bilinear);
u = u_; v = v_; p = p_; w = w_;
// extract
seq spy = seq(pyr_M[level]);
seq spx = seq(pyr_N[level]);
array I1 = pyr1(spy, spx, level);
array I2 = pyr2(spy, spx, level);
// ===== core ====== //
tv_l1_dual(u, v, p, w, I1, I2, level);
// ===== ==== ====== //
// output
ou = u;
ov = v;
void warping(array& Ix, array& Iy, array& It, array& I1, array& I2, array& u, array& v) {
dim4 mnk = I2.dims();
int M = mnk[0];
int N = mnk[1];
array idx = tile(array(seq(N)).T(), M, 1) + 1;
array idy = tile(array(seq(M)), 1, N) + 1;
/* ^ BUG: idx idy should ideally be [0-N); ^ */
array idxx0 = idx + u;
array idyy0 = idy + v;
array idxx = max(1, min(N - 1, idxx0));
array idyy = max(1, min(M - 1, idyy0));
// interp2 based warp ()
It = interp(idy, idx, I2, idyy, idxx) - I1;
// interp2 based warp ()
array idxm = max(1, min(N - 1, idxx - 1.f));
array idxp = max(1, min(N - 1, idxx + 1.f));
array idym = max(1, min(M - 1, idyy - 1.f));
array idyp = max(1, min(M - 1, idyy + 1.f));
Ix = interp(idy, idx, I2, idy, idxp) - interp(idy, idx, I2, idy, idxm);
Iy = interp(idy, idx, I2, idyp, idx) - interp(idy, idx, I2, idym, idx);
/* ^ BUG: interp2 should be cubic; that may fix things; ^ */
void dxym(array& Id, array I0x, array I0y) {
// divergence
dim4 mnk = I0x.dims();
int M = mnk[0];
int N = mnk[1];
array x0 = zeros(M, N);
array x1 = zeros(M, N);
x0(seq(M - 1), seq(N)) = I0x(seq(M - 1), seq(N));
x1(seq(1,M-1), seq(N)) = I0x(seq(1,M-1), seq(N));
array y0 = zeros(M, N);
array y1 = zeros(M, N);
y0(seq(M), seq(N - 1)) = I0y(seq(M), seq(N - 1));
y1(seq(M), seq(1,N-1)) = I0y(seq(M), seq(1,N-1));
Id = (x0 - x1) + (y0 - y1);
void dxyp(array& Ix, array& Iy, array& I0) {
// shifts
dim4 mnk = I0.dims();
int M = mnk[0];
int N = mnk[1];
array y0 = I0;
array y1 = I0;
y0(seq(0, M - 2), span) = I0(seq(1, M - 1), span);
array x0 = I0;
array x1 = I0;
x0(span, seq(0, N - 2)) = I0(span, seq(1, N - 1));
Ix = (x0 - x1); Iy = (y0 - y1);
void tv_l1_dual(array& u, array& v, array& p, array& w, array& I1, array& I2, int level) {
try {
float L = sqrtf(8.0f);
float tau = 1 / L;
float sigma = 1 / L;
float eps_u = 0.01f;
float eps_w = 0.01f;
float gamma = 0.02f;
array u_ = u;
array v_ = v;
array w_ = w;
for (int j = 0; j < max_warps; j++) {
array u0 = u;
array v0 = v;
// warping
array Ix, Iy, It; warping(Ix, Iy, It, I1, I2, u0, v0);
// gradients
array I_grad_sqr = max(float(1e-6), array(pow(Ix, 2) + pow(Iy, 2) + gamma * gamma));
// inner loop
for (int k = 0; k < max_iters; ++k) {
// dual =====
// shifts
array u_x, u_y; dxyp(u_x, u_y, u_);
array v_x, v_y; dxyp(v_x, v_y, v_);
array w_x, w_y; dxyp(w_x, w_y, w_);
// update dual
p(span, span, 0) = (p(span, span, 0) + sigma * u_x) / (1 + sigma * eps_u);
p(span, span, 1) = (p(span, span, 1) + sigma * u_y) / (1 + sigma * eps_u);
p(span, span, 2) = (p(span, span, 2) + sigma * v_x) / (1 + sigma * eps_u);
p(span, span, 3) = (p(span, span, 3) + sigma * v_y) / (1 + sigma * eps_u);
p(span, span, 4) = (p(span, span, 4) + sigma * w_x) / (1 + sigma * eps_w);
p(span, span, 5) = (p(span, span, 5) + sigma * w_y) / (1 + sigma * eps_w);
// normalize
array reprojection = max(1, sqrt(pow(p(span, span, 0), 2) + pow(p(span, span, 1), 2) +
pow(p(span, span, 2), 2) + pow(p(span, span, 3), 2)));
p(span, span, 0) = p(span, span, 0) / reprojection;
p(span, span, 1) = p(span, span, 1) / reprojection;
p(span, span, 2) = p(span, span, 2) / reprojection;
p(span, span, 3) = p(span, span, 3) / reprojection;
reprojection = max(1, sqrt(pow(p(span, span, 4), 2) + pow(p(span, span, 5), 2)));
p(span, span, 4) = p(span, span, 4) / reprojection;
p(span, span, 5) = p(span, span, 5) / reprojection;
// primal =====
// divergence
array div_u; dxym(div_u, p(span, span, 0), p(span, span, 1));
array div_v; dxym(div_v, p(span, span, 2), p(span, span, 3));
array div_w; dxym(div_w, p(span, span, 4), p(span, span, 5));
// old
u_ = u;
v_ = v;
w_ = w;
// update
u = u + tau * div_u;
v = v + tau * div_v;
w = w + tau * div_w;
// indexing
array rho = It + mul((u - u0), Ix) + mul((v - v0), Iy) + gamma * w;
array idx1 = rho < -tau * lambda * I_grad_sqr;
array idx2 = rho > tau * lambda * I_grad_sqr;
array idx3 = abs(rho) <= tau * lambda * I_grad_sqr;
u = u + tau * lambda * (mul(Ix, idx1)) ;
v = v + tau * lambda * (mul(Iy, idx1)) ;
w = w + tau * lambda * gamma * idx1;
u = u - tau * lambda * (mul(Ix, idx2)) ;
v = v - tau * lambda * (mul(Iy, idx2)) ;
w = w - tau * lambda * gamma * idx2;
u = u - mul(rho, mul(idx3, Ix / I_grad_sqr));
v = v - mul(rho, mul(idx3, Iy / I_grad_sqr));
w = w - mul(rho, mul(idx3, gamma / I_grad_sqr));
// propagate
u_ = 2 * u - u_;
v_ = 2 * v - v_;
w_ = 2 * w - w_;
// output
// const unsigned hw[] = {3, 3};
u = medfilt(u, 3, 3);
v = medfilt(v, 3, 3);
} /* j < warps */
} catch (af::exception& e) {
cout << e.what() << endl;
// =======================================
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
// video file or usb camera
Mat cam_img, prev_img, disp_u, disp_v;
int is_images = 0;
if (argc == 2) { grab_frame(prev_img, argv[1]); } // video
else if (argc == 3) {
prev_img = imread(argv[1]); cam_img = imread(argv[2]);
is_images = 1;
} else { grab_frame(prev_img, NULL); } // usb camera
// results
int mm = prev_img.rows; int nn = prev_img.cols;
disp_u = Mat::zeros(mm, nn, CV_32FC1);
disp_v = Mat::zeros(mm, nn, CV_32FC1);
printf("img %d x %d \n", mm, nn);
// process main
if (is_images) {
// show
imshow("i", cam_img);
// process files
optical_flow_tvl1(prev_img, cam_img, disp_u, disp_v);
// show
// imshow("u", disp_u);
// imshow("v", disp_v);
display_flow(disp_u, disp_v);
// // write
// writeFlo(disp_u, disp_v);
} else {
// process loop
while (grab_frame(cam_img, NULL)) {
try {
// process
optical_flow_tvl1(prev_img, cam_img, disp_u, disp_v);
// frames
prev_img = cam_img.clone();
// show
// imshow("u", disp_u);
// imshow("v", disp_v);
display_flow(disp_u, disp_v);
} catch (af::exception& e) {
cout << e.what() << endl;
return 0;
2011年3月17日 星期四
2011年3月10日 星期四
Some Results of In-vitro Neural Stem Cell Tracking and Acquisition
I have posted the results of In-vitro Neural Stem Cell Tracking and Acquisition...
Check it out...
Check it out...
2011年3月1日 星期二
Some good results in our project: Consciousness4UAS
The aim of this project is to discover the visual consciousness model and its applications in the unmanned aircraft system.
We introduced an model for consciousness based visual attention model, and applied on the aerial video (simulating the real time images obtained from an UAV)
Results: http://www.youtube.com/user/consciousness4uas
We introduced an model for consciousness based visual attention model, and applied on the aerial video (simulating the real time images obtained from an UAV)
Results: http://www.youtube.com/user/consciousness4uas
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